Monday 7 April 2008

Day 32 - Mind the Wall

Well, its been a few days since writing my blog. We have had a lot on over the weekend. Spending some quality time with the family and enjoying my 4 week reward on Saturday evening.

A couple of glasses of wine, and a bit to eat. I thought that with all the hard work that I had done, and the positive feedback I was getting from my wife I thought it was about time I had a good time!

Thats not to say that the training went un-done. Quite the opposite in fact. As on Sunday I decided to really ramp it up. I was not time pressured to get to work so I really went for it.

I done all cardio set for me, treadmill, bike and cross trainer. I done an extra set on each of the weights, adding extra weight for sets 2 and 3. I went at it like a man possessed!

I finished off on getting on the bike, i thought right, lets do this last one real hard, then.......bang!

I was a broken man. I had to stop. I could not physically go on any more, not one bit. I was finished. I had 'hit the wall', and to be perfectly honest, I wasn't far off of hitting the floor either!

I left the gym broken, yet elated. I had achieved something I have never done before and it felt great. I am noticing real changes at the gym now. Weights are getting higher and I am concentrating on getting the technique right rather than lift weights badly.

A challenge was to be set for me getting into one of my suits for work, however I tried on the suit to be the subject of the challenge, and it fitted! Much to both mine and my wife's surprise. Better find something smaller eh?

Till later


4 comments: said...

Awesome job Kelv, fitting into your old suit! Clothing challenges can be great motivators.

I was feeling lazy about going out for a run right now, but now you've inspired me to ramp it up!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kelv on pushing yourself beyond you preset limits! that is where change takes place. keep at it! Wow, so great about the suit! What a great feeling!! Will push you on to new heights! keep shredding hard!!

Mike Groom said...

Good work Kelv! One reward meal(s) every now and then will not hurt too much. Be careful of the "that didn't do much damage" syndrome that I used to fall for. Suddenly I had been eating big for 3 days and guess what - that did damage. It's great that you are doing well and you appear to be the "groove". Keep the momentum going!

Joni said...

Congrats on the suit and on blogging for over 30 days! Just stopping by, trying to catch up with everyone. Thanks for checking up on me lately, hope to be back on track now. Talk to you soon!