Tuesday 1 April 2008

Day 26 - Positive Pressure Rocks!

Before I start my entry for the last couple of days, I need to get a couple of thank you's out there.

The first is for all the support I am getting from my fellow sheredders. Whilst I am now where near their level of fitness, shredding etc, the comments and support have been absolutely fab! Thanks guys, from the bottom of my heart. Who would have thought that just over three weeks in the support and, not to mention, positive pressure keeps pouring in. The drive this gives me is massive!

The second is to my wife. For putting up with my 'strange' and 'bland' nutrition plan and constant early morning alarms in order to get to the gym, I would like to say a big thank you. The support you have given me has been great!

Gym round is ok. The extra items and intensity is really having an impact. I thought I had already experienced the DOMS I keep hearing so much about on other blogs. That was until now. I think this is real DOMS and what I had before was just a tired muscle! But it does feel great.

Down another hole on my belt again already. I have a suit that I used to wear to work that I will soon be able to get into. Think I will have a mini clothing challenge to see how much work I need to do to get into it.

Nutrition is going great too. I dont crave all the rubbish I used to eat. I am constantly asking 'Is this clean?' Its true what they say. This is real time lifestyle transformation.

Bring it on!!



Anonymous said...

positive pressure is what Adam's RTP and the shreddersphere is all about. so glad you are feeling it! keep at it. way to go on going down more belt knotches. that is the greatest feeling. know that what you are doing is working! shred on!

Mike Groom said...

Great to see you still progressing! Now is the best time to get that big change happening.

The pressure we put on you and the accountability we hold you to, is what we are here for. You have no excuses to drop out or stop. You have to succeed, there are no other options.

Keep shredding Kelv!

Joni said...

Awesome! You are doing so well! Glad we can be of help - like they said, that's what we're here for! And having support from your spouse at home is critical as well, thank her from us as well, it really does make a difference. As far as the DOMS go, they can always be topped :) For me, if I don't have them after every workout, I didn't train hard enough!

kelv rose said...

Suzzette, Mike and Joni,
Thank you for your kind words and support, to a virtual stranger no less!
I have to prove this journey to the world now. Or at leat a few people dotted around it!