Monday, 17 March 2008

Day 11 - HIIT'ing it hard!

No blog entry yesterday, but that doesn't mean I didn't do my gym round. And with the weekend away, thought a double hard shred session was in order.

Ive started experimenting with HIIT and boy, what a shock. Both yesterday and this morning I tried a few variations to get the feel of the burn and to see how hard I can push myself on the 'sprint' and I was pleasantly surprised at what I achieved.

As I had been reading so much about it and understood the science behind it i thought I would give it a go and am now quite curious as to what it will achieve and, more to the point, how I will feel by the end of the week! I am doing it first thing in the mornings on an empty stomach in order to maximise effect. Will see how it goes.

Even though Im not the slimmest guy in the world, and lack self confidence (not that you could tell, no pics................yet) I can feel myself changing on the inside and am carrying myself with what feels like more authority, if you get what I mean. Feels great!!

Todays Calories 1,647
Gym round done.......and then some
Todays weight 133.4kg.

Till tomorrow


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