Tuesday 18 March 2008

Day 12 Info Overload

Since getting into this, I have been doing the on-line research and can not believe the amount of information out there, how many different programmes there are and how many e-books you can get for 39.95!

Im happy with my current work out, hell Ive got a long way to go before even starting to think about a six pack yet, but am starting to see the difference. Even my wife has passed the odd comment so I must be doing something right.

Having said that I did have a slight disappointment today. Every day I weight myself and today, for the first time, it went up! Im now 1Kg odd target, though am still happy that Im lighter than what I was when I started. It could of course just be a blip and find Im back on target tomorrow morning, who knows!

Gym in full - starting to get into this HIIT thing!
Calories today 1586
Weight today 133.8Kg

Till tomorrow



Mike Groom said...

Don't get too disappointed about daily weight anomolies. Your weight can vary widely day by day. You may find it more psychologically beneficial to only weight once per week. I know I certainly had troubles with weighing daily. As long as you are eating well and training to the best of your ability the fat will drop. Keep up the good work!

kelv rose said...

Thanks for the encouragement Mike. I know I shouldnt do it daily, just keen to see the results no matter how slight.