Thursday, 27 March 2008

Day 21 Same old same old

Three weeks in and things are going really good. Apart from this morning!

Woke late, must have slept through the first alarm. By the time I was up there was no way I could get to the gym, do anything remote to a decent workout and get back to go to work in time. However, it was really good to spend some time with the family in the mornings. As my journey to work is so long, during the week I done get to see much of them. So this morning was nice.

Still felt guilty not getting a workout in. Just have to be an early rest day!

Yesterdays weight went under the 133Kg mark at 132.9Kg. That felt good. Also down another hole on my belt. Am sure looks are better that weight. Really must get the nerve to do the photo thing.

Till later



Anonymous said...

workouts get missed. it not the end. enjoy the time with family. next workout push a little bit harder to make up for missing today. As Joni and others have mentioned, you should get you "before" pic up. having it out there makes all the more difference in your intensity as you see yourself everyday in a way you not used to seeing yourself and it propels you to push yourself harder. trust us!! no one will judge you for the way you look. we have been there and know how if feels. but think of the feeling you will have in your "after" pics!! work towards that end!

Mike Groom said...

don't stress over one missed workout. it happens. Do the photo thing, you will not regret it. I'm certainly glad that i did. it is a great momento of what you will never go back to!