Saturday 29 March 2008

Day 23 - The Horror!

With the hard work Ive been doing at the gym, and the almost constant aching of my muscles, especially my quads, it seems im about to ache emotionally too.

Its all just got too much, the positive pressure wins out, and Im posting my Day 0 pic.


What a horror!!! This was taken a couple of weeks prior to me starting out on this journey, and it was me stumbling across Adams blog that got me thinking about starting.

Note the can of cider next to me. Back then it was an almost constant vision, me with a can of something or other by my side. Well all that has changed now thats for sure.

And now for something completely different, my day 23 pics too. (Its really hard getting these pics posted! Im not that technical!)

Well, there you go! Guess the pressure is really on now, best get to the gym!!
Till tomorrow


Lisa said...

I am proud of you! Getting those photo's on there were not easy for you, as I know you hate seeing yourself. But hey your doing something about it! Can't beleive the change in your appearence and diet in such a short time. Keep it up!
Love you lots
Lisa & Daughter Chloe

Joni said...

YAY!!! Congrats on putting up the pics, man that's such a hurdle and it gets less painful every time because you are making progress!! Soon we'll have you sportin' shorts and a smile! :) My befores look like a mug shot, you'll look back and laugh, I swear! Exciting things are happening soon in the Shreddersphere so keep up the great work and you'll be in before you know it!

Mike Groom said...

Well done Kelv, you won't regret getting these pictures up. Man, check out my day before picture. I posted this on day 66 ( You'll be amazed at how fast you can change. You've got a great foundation to work with, you will see great results.

kelv rose said...

Joni, Mike, Thanks for the support. It took guts for me to do that, but you are both right. I feel so much better about it today and I cant wait to show the next photo of the work im gunna do!