Saturday 15 March 2008

Day 9 Visit to the Zoo

Had a couple of days away with the family this weekend, so gym round has failed to happen. And I feel real guilty about it. I even tried to fit in an early morning round the day we were leaving but that didnt happen either. Tomorrow morning will be my first opportunity to get back and I will be banging on the doors to get in when they open!

One thing I did notice whilst I was away and that was my approach to eating. Usually you have a mini-break and you eat all the stuff that you are not supposed to, but the efforts to 'Eat Clean' extended to this too. For here was I with others eating chips from a chip shop, and I was more than happy tucking into a couple of apples!

I really and changing on the inside!

On one of the days I got one of them pre-prepared salad bowls you can get, it had tuna in it. Thought great, that will do. Started to eat it and I could not believe the amount of mayo hiding under the first lettuce leaf! not so much eat clean as eat slime!

No daily weight today as its late and I do it first thing in the morning, same time and all that, so that will be back in tomorrow. Will be interesting to see how I have coped and to see if my metabolism is kicking in.

Till tomorrow



Mike Groom said...

Great to see some balance in your life. You need to spend time with family and it shouldn't make you feel guilty. I always plan to spend time with family (that's what the weekend is for). I manage to get a cardio session or two in over the weekend, so it's all good.

Looks like you are doing fine. Keep going! said...

Good job eating those apples!

"eating slime" - haha, very funny.

Shred hard tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

well just think that you probably got some walking in going around the zoo!! so don't count out the incidental exercise you get...just because you are not in the gym doesn't mean that other activities don't count. while it is a "slow" activity, you were still moving the body.

kelv rose said...

Thanks Mike, my family mean the world to me and are part of my Powerful Reason Why im doing this.

kelv rose said...


Sure did shred!


kelv rose said...

Cheers Suzette
My legs were hurting as we had a couple of hills to go up, must have walked miles"